As this online community grows and evolves, I'd like to keep you all in the loop with the many exciting changes and additions we have to look forward to. Check out what's coming soon below!
First and foremost, I would like to thank you all again for joining me on this journey, as we explore how we can better show up for ourselves, our work environments, and our communities. This initiative means the world to me, as I truly believe that a higher and deeper level of consciousness must not stop at the water cooler... you know what I mean? The workplace is just as much a vessel for growth and evolvement as is a yoga studio. It is simply a question of willingness.
“If you're not already excited, you will be.”
So, what do we have to look forward to? Soon enough, you will notice a few more #tabs along the very top of the site. One will consist of #free guides I will offer our community, regarding healthy practices you and your team members may be interested in implementing during the work day and various other topics. These will be available to download immediately, and you are more than welcome to share them, post them on the walls of your office, anonymously mail them to your previous workplaces... the possibilities are endless!
Another tab appearing in the near future *crossing fingers* will consist of items you may feel inclined to purchase. #merch I am in the process of collaborating with sustainable companies that will help bring the vision to life, so that you all can start repping the brand and your newfound peace of mind with some #professionallysynched gear. If you're not already excited, you will be.
Anything Else?
Nope. That's about it, for now. Feel free to peruse the site as it currently is and send me a message through the "Contact" page with any feedback, positive and/or constructive. Or if you would simply like to send over some words of encouragement, those are always appreciated!
Thanks, again! (Snapple fact: I will end each of my posts with a "P.S." as a sort of "tip-of-the-hat" to Professionally Synched, to bring it all back home.. the more you know! Thought it was just another ol' post script, huh?)